Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Winter in coming...

August is almost over and it is feeling like fall. In the span of a week the temperature has dropped, the grey skies have rolled in, and the sun continues to shine less and less.  During my time here I have observed that people here will say with this ominous voice "winter is coming..."and it could be two days after the snow has melted, the first day of spring or even at the height of summer, there seems to be this constant looming death of sunshine just over the horizon.  In full disclosure I am a huge fan of summer here, it is one of my favorite seasons.  The sun is out about 20 hours a day, it doesn't get exceptionally hot, everything is green, lush and colorful, it is like you are living in a completely different world compared to winter.  That doesn't mean that I don't have my moments of complaints when it is 2 am and I am trying to sleep but my bedroom is full of light.

Winter here is such a stark contrast to summer. Nothing and I mean nothing can prepare you for the months of darkness.  I can handle the ridiculous cold temperatures but the darkness consumes everything and engulfs the world around you. Already the days are shorter, the temperature has begun to drop and the sun is quickly disappearing.  I do like winter here, but once there is snow on the ground and there are some days of blue skies and sunshine (but that usually means incredibly cold temperatures) but to get to that point you have to make it through fall.  Fall here is not pretty, there are maybe two weeks where the leaves are pretty, the rest of the time it is ugly and depressing. Every week in the fall the majority of the days are grey, cold (and in the later part of fall the same temperatures that I experience during winter in America) and usually rainy.

Winter is coming, so break out the Vitamin D, grab a scarf and hat, brace yourself for the darkness and heat up the kettle and settle in for a season of mass tea consumption. Adventure awaits...

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