I have decided to start playing a game everyday and it is called "see if I can read the sign (or at least sound out part of it) and pick out words that I hear in conversations". Yes it is a long title but I couldn't think of a shorter name to call it. Language learning is overloading my brain with information and so to make it more fun my supervisor suggested that we start to view it as a game. Games are fun and I am trying to make language learning a little fun. During the initial phase of the game I could recognize and read signs of stores that we have heard talked about by other coworkers and so those were easier to read/recognize. There are some words and signs that are easier to pronounce if they have a lot of letters and sounds that are the same in both english and russian. This week I was able to read a little more than last week and I was able to pick out a few words during conversations. The goal is to be able to pronounce more sign names and pick out and understand more words used in conversation next week and the following weeks.
"Apteka" it is a pharmacy
I feel like Pharmacy signs are always in green. Crazy! haha. Good Job, Dawnsie! You are a smarty. :)